Lilium lancifolium orange form
Plant number: 1.319.750A very old-fashioned plant, the Tiger Lily has been in cultivation for centuries. Nodding black-spotted orange flowers are produced on tall stems, in large branching heads. Excellent for cutting. Best suited to the back of the border. Divide every three years in October, moving to a new location. Remove old stems in late fall to help discourage diseases. Usually needs staking to prevent the stems from breaking. Further details for |
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Lilium lancifolium orange form
Plant number: 1.319.750A very old-fashioned plant, the Tiger Lily has been in cultivation for centuries. Nodding black-spotted orange flowers are produced on tall stems, in large branching heads. Excellent for cutting. Best suited to the back of the border. Divide every three years in October, moving to a new location. Remove old stems in late fall to help discourage diseases. Usually needs staking to prevent the stems from breaking. Further details for |