Alt Information

Armeria juniperifolia
Armeria juniperifolia
Garden Diary

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Armeria juniperifolia

Spanish Thrift

USDA Zone: 2-9

Plant number: 1.070.040

A fine alpine species of Thrift, this forms a very dense bun or cushion of needle-like leaves. Soft pink balls of flowers are held just over the foliage. Especially attractive in a gravel scree garden or alpine trough where it can be seen close up. Site carefully this is easily smothered by more vigorous neighbours. Requires excellent drainage. In regions with cool summer nights, this may repeat flower in late summer or fall. Evergreen. The clone we have produced for many years is actually the selection ‘Bevan’s Variety’ and sometimes masquerades under other names such as Armeria cespitosa. This is a vegetatively propagated selection, best increased by cuttings.

Further details for
Armeria juniperifolia

Optimal Growing
Appearance and
Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
   5-10 cm
   2-4 inches
   10-15 cm
   4-6 inches
Foot Traffic
Growth Rate