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Primula auricula Berti
Primula auricula Berti
Garden Diary

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Primula auricula Berti

Auricula Primrose

USDA Zone: 3-9

Plant number: 1.444.850

(=‘Clone 3922’) This is a unique kind of Primrose, totally unlike more commonly grown forms. Light-green leaves are thick and waxy, forming a low rosette. This selection, part of the Ornamental class, features large clusters of fragrant, fully double, light yellow flowers appearing throughout the spring. Choose a partly shaded site with rich, moist soil but excellent drainage. This species falls into the category of Auricula Primroses which were extremely popular in Victorian gardens, when hundreds of named selections were in existence. Clumps may be divided carefully after blooming or in early fall. Evergreen. BAVARIAN GAUDI™ series.

Further details for
Primula auricula Berti

Optimal Growing
Appearance and
Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
   15-20 cm
   6-8 inches
   15-20 cm
   6-8 inches
Foot Traffic
Growth Rate