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Sempervivum hybrids medley
Sempervivum hybrids medley
Garden Diary

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The next time you are buying perennials please look for our helpful labels and blue pots, and remember "The best perennials come out of the blue"!

Sempervivum hybrids medley


USDA Zone: 2-9

Plant number: 1.490.050

One of the most familiar garden perennials, yet never lacking in appeal. These form low rosettes of fleshy leaves, tiny new plants appearing in a circle around the mother in the middle. Hundreds of varieties exist, in shades green through to bronze, purple and red. This is a medley of many different hybrid forms. Spikes of starry flowers appear in summer, ranging from white through to pink and soft yellow. Although they will grow nearly anywhere, these prefer the sort of well-drained conditions found in a sunny rock garden or wall. Worth trying in any sort of container, even an old shoe! Clumps may be divided at any time.

Further details for
Sempervivum hybrids medley

Optimal Growing
Appearance and
Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
   10-20 cm
   4-8 inches
   15-30 cm
   6-12 inches
Foot Traffic
Growth Rate