Alt Information

Veronica allionii
Veronica allionii
Garden Diary

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Veronica allionii

Alpine Speedwell

USDA Zone: 2-9

Plant number: 1.540.010

This compact species of Speedwell is well suited to the rock garden, or for edging in the sunny border. It forms a low cushion or carpet of olive-green leaves, bearing chubby spikes of deep violet-blue flowers during the summer, at a time when many other rock garden plants have already finished blooming. Also nice in alpine troughs or mixed containers. In mild winter regions this stays evergreen. Clumps are easily divided in early spring or in autumn. Native to the European Alps. Easy to grow.

Further details for
Veronica allionii

Optimal Growing
Appearance and
Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
   10-15 cm
   4-6 inches
   20-30 cm
   8-12 inches
Foot Traffic
Growth Rate