Alt Information

Arum italicum ‘Winter White’
Arum italicum ‘Winter White’
Garden Diary

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The next time you are buying perennials please look for our helpful labels and blue pots, and remember "The best perennials come out of the blue"!

Arum italicum ‘Winter White’

Italian Arum

USDA Zone: 5-9

Plant number: 1.077.120

This improved selection of Italian Arum has arrowhead shaped leaves with dramatic cream marbling. Foliage appears in fall then remains until spring. Hooded white flowers in late spring are followed by a grand display of orange berries in August, held in heads like a rattle. Although this is a little slow to establish, plants will remain for years in the garden. Clumps may be divided in summer after the leaves die down. Plants prefer a moist woodland setting but will tolerate summer dryness. Foliage is useful for winter flower arrangements. CAUTION: Harmful if eaten/skin and eye irritant.

Further details for
Arum italicum ‘Winter White’

Optimal Growing
Appearance and
Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
   20-30 cm
   8-12 inches
   20-30 cm
   8-12 inches
Foot Traffic
Growth Rate
Disclaimer: This information is presented for reference only. This plant is not currently part of our Heritage Perennials lineup.