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Sedum ussuriense ‘Turkish Delight’
Sedum ussuriense ‘Turkish Delight’
Garden Diary

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The next time you are buying perennials please look for our helpful labels and blue pots, and remember "The best perennials come out of the blue"!

Sedum ussuriense ‘Turkish Delight’


USDA Zone: 3-9

Plant number: 1.486.340

Stonecrop are easy to grow and withstand poor, dry soil conditions so are often a good choice for xeriscaping. This dwarf selection is taller than alpine types and shorter than border types. The succulent, rounded leaves are dark burgundy, almost black, with carmine-red flower clusters appearing late summer through fall. Perfect for rock gardens, containers, troughs and between flagstones. Although fairly shade tolerant, plants might not flower very well.

Further details for
Sedum ussuriense ‘Turkish Delight’

Optimal Growing
Appearance and
Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
   20-30 cm
   8-12 inches
   30-40 cm
   12-16 inches
Foot Traffic
Growth Rate