Alt Information

Sedum hispanicum var. minus ‘Purple Form’

Little Blue Spanish Stonecrop

USDA Zone: 5-9

Plant number: 1.486.770

Many varieties of stonecrop are excellent as ground covers, and all do well in dry, well-draining soil. This variety is a little charmer, as the tight, colourful foliage changes from blue-grey to deep blue as fall approaches, finally displaying purple hues in winter. This becomes a carpet, smothered in pink, starry flowers in late summer, completing the show. As with many sedums, avoid rich, moist soils or this one will do poorly. Nice along pathways, in containers, or spilling over rocks, where the attractive foliage can be best appreciated.

Further details for
Sedum hispanicum var. minus ‘Purple Form’

Optimal Growing Conditions

Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Appearance and Characteristics

Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
Flower Head Size
   5-10 cm
   2-4 inches
   25-30 cm
   10-12 inches
Foot Traffic

Growth Rate

Sedum hispanicum var. minus ‘Purple Form’

Little Blue Spanish Stonecrop

USDA Zone: 5-9

Plant number: 1.486.770

Many varieties of stonecrop are excellent as ground covers, and all do well in dry, well-draining soil. This variety is a little charmer, as the tight, colourful foliage changes from blue-grey to deep blue as fall approaches, finally displaying purple hues in winter. This becomes a carpet, smothered in pink, starry flowers in late summer, completing the show. As with many sedums, avoid rich, moist soils or this one will do poorly. Nice along pathways, in containers, or spilling over rocks, where the attractive foliage can be best appreciated.

Further details for
Sedum hispanicum var. minus ‘Purple Form’

Optimal Growing Conditions

Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Appearance and Characteristics

Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
Flower Head Size
   5-10 cm
   2-4 inches
   25-30 cm
   10-12 inches
Foot Traffic

Growth Rate