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Photo courtesy of Jelitto Staudensamen GmbH

Delphinium NEW MILLENNIUM™ ‘Morning Lights’

New Millennium Delphinium

USDA Zone: 3-9

Plant number: 1.176.920

Selected in New Zealand, the New Millennium Delphinium strains outperform all other tall types and offer some astonishingly rich shades. This variety produces tall, stately spires with flowers in a blend of mauve and sky blue with a contrasting white “bee”. The deeply-cut leaves form a medium-sized bushy mound with superior vigour. Stems may require staking in windy areas, best done before they reach 3 feet or so in height. Removing spent spikes right after flowering will encourage repeat blooming in fall. In hot, humid summer regions Delphinium plants do not usually last more than 2 to 3 years. Foliage may become infected with powdery mildew in mid summer; simply cut back hard to encourage fresh leaves or use a preventative fungicide beginning in mid spring. For best flowering use a high phosphorous fertilizer each year, in early spring. CAUTION: Harmful if eaten.

Further details for
Delphinium NEW MILLENNIUM™ ‘Morning Lights’

Optimal Growing Conditions

Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Appearance and Characteristics

Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
Flower Head Size
   120-180 cm
   47-70 inches
   45-60 cm
   18-23 inches
Foot Traffic

Growth Rate
Disclaimer: This information is presented for reference only. This plant is not currently part of our Heritage Perennials lineup.

Delphinium NEW MILLENNIUM™ ‘Morning Lights’

New Millennium Delphinium

USDA Zone: 3-9

Plant number: 1.176.920

Selected in New Zealand, the New Millennium Delphinium strains outperform all other tall types and offer some astonishingly rich shades. This variety produces tall, stately spires with flowers in a blend of mauve and sky blue with a contrasting white “bee”. The deeply-cut leaves form a medium-sized bushy mound with superior vigour. Stems may require staking in windy areas, best done before they reach 3 feet or so in height. Removing spent spikes right after flowering will encourage repeat blooming in fall. In hot, humid summer regions Delphinium plants do not usually last more than 2 to 3 years. Foliage may become infected with powdery mildew in mid summer; simply cut back hard to encourage fresh leaves or use a preventative fungicide beginning in mid spring. For best flowering use a high phosphorous fertilizer each year, in early spring. CAUTION: Harmful if eaten.

Further details for
Delphinium NEW MILLENNIUM™ ‘Morning Lights’

Optimal Growing Conditions

Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Appearance and Characteristics

Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
Flower Head Size
   120-180 cm
   47-70 inches
   45-60 cm
   18-23 inches
Foot Traffic

Growth Rate
Disclaimer: This information is presented for reference only. This plant is not currently part of our Heritage Perennials lineup.