Clematis recta SERIOUS BLACK™
Plant number: 1.157.340(='Lime Close') This unusual selection of Clematis is not a vining plant at all but has a sprawling, bushy habit. Quickly bursts out of the ground in the spring, with foliage of smoky-purple that matures to deep olive green. Plants produce a good display of fragrant little ivory flower clusters in late spring to early summer. Will require staking, or plants can be allowed to sprawl through an adjacent shrub. Prune to the ground in fall or early spring. May be divided in spring, but plants take a season to recover. Interesting cut flower. Pruning Group 2. Further details for |
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Clematis recta SERIOUS BLACK™
Plant number: 1.157.340(='Lime Close') This unusual selection of Clematis is not a vining plant at all but has a sprawling, bushy habit. Quickly bursts out of the ground in the spring, with foliage of smoky-purple that matures to deep olive green. Plants produce a good display of fragrant little ivory flower clusters in late spring to early summer. Will require staking, or plants can be allowed to sprawl through an adjacent shrub. Prune to the ground in fall or early spring. May be divided in spring, but plants take a season to recover. Interesting cut flower. Pruning Group 2. Further details for |