Alt Information

Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens Inc.

Kniphofia hirsuta ‘Fire Dance’


USDA Zone: 5-9

Plant number: 1.300.070

Torchlilies are easy to grow in the garden, so long as the soil is well-drained, especially in winter. This is a particularly hardy strain, forming clumps of grassy grey-green leaves that remain evergreen in milder regions. Taller stems in summer hold large spikes of flowers in a combination of scarlet and yellow. Attractive to hummingbirds and terrific for cutting. Developed and introduced by Jelitto Seeds in Germany. Holds much promise in regions where growing Torchlilies has only been a gardener’s dream.

Further details for
Kniphofia hirsuta ‘Fire Dance’

Optimal Growing Conditions

Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Appearance and Characteristics

Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
Flower Head Size
   45-60 cm
   18-23 inches
   45-60 cm
   18-23 inches
Foot Traffic

Growth Rate

Kniphofia hirsuta ‘Fire Dance’


USDA Zone: 5-9

Plant number: 1.300.070

Torchlilies are easy to grow in the garden, so long as the soil is well-drained, especially in winter. This is a particularly hardy strain, forming clumps of grassy grey-green leaves that remain evergreen in milder regions. Taller stems in summer hold large spikes of flowers in a combination of scarlet and yellow. Attractive to hummingbirds and terrific for cutting. Developed and introduced by Jelitto Seeds in Germany. Holds much promise in regions where growing Torchlilies has only been a gardener’s dream.

Further details for
Kniphofia hirsuta ‘Fire Dance’

Optimal Growing Conditions

Sun Exposure
Soil Type
Soil pH
Soil Moisture
Care Level
Appearance and Characteristics

Flower Colour
Blooming Time
Foliage Color
Plant Uses & Characteristics
Flower Head Size
   45-60 cm
   18-23 inches
   45-60 cm
   18-23 inches
Foot Traffic

Growth Rate